Defonija is a concert cycle that supports and offers the best of the world of freely improvised music. Does not defend experiment, productive electronics, questions history, is interested in old and new chamber music, likes to mix with kindred spirits (noise, hardcore, post- and avant-rock, hip-hop ...).
Veseli dihurčki cultural association has been promoting metal music since 2002. The association organizes Dirty Skunks, the Smokehouse of Death cycle, participates in the Metaldays festival and organizes solo metal music concerts.
Events Ljubljana is the organizer of major cultural events.
Imago Sloveniae – Podoba Sloveniae je po obsegu eden največjih kulturnih projektov v Sloveniji, povezuje 25 občin in krajev in več kot 30 koncertnih prizorišč z vseh delov naše države – kulturna mreža. Vsako leto organizirajo več kot 100 koncertov klasične, jazz in etno glasbe, ki se jih udeleži več kot 80.000 obiskovalcev. V okviru projekta Imago Sloveniae poteka več kulturnih projektov: Mednarodni festival Poletje Imago Sloveniae Mednarodni festival Poletje v stari Ljubljani Mednarodni festival Noči v stari Ljubljani Mednarodni ciklus Jazz oder Mednarodni ciklus Mladi talenti Zima v stari Ljubljani Likovna galerija Janez Boljka.
Klubska scena/ Clubbing Slovenija organizes and promotes electronic music events.
KUD Kataman has been involved in music promotion since 2005.
Since the founding of Metelkova mesto (1993), the Mreža cultural and artistic association has been striving to improve the infrastructural and production conditions on Ljubljana's independent cultural and artistic scene. The KUD Mreža association performed a concert cycle of freely improvised music and free jazz, Jazz at the Trough, between 2007 and 2015 at the Menza pri Koritu cultural and youth center. In 2016, such music was renamed FriForma, the emphasis remains on freely improvised music, whose program is curated by Nataša Serec and László Juhász. FriForma concert events take place at various venues in Ljubljana. The Jazz at the Trough cycle has in the past hosted artists such as Marc Ribot, Tristan Honsinger, Linda Sharrock, Keith Rowe, Martin Küchen, Seijiro Murayama and Kazutoki Umezu. Since 2016, FriForma has collaborated with the following music creators: Taku Sugimoto, John Butcher, Rie Nakajima, Alex Ward, Carl Ludwig Hübsch, Jean-Luc Guionnet and Seymour Wright. FriForma has established numerous international collaborations between local and guest musicians, which is one of the biggest contributions. FriForm's concert cycle is complemented by Metabonmaj, a cycle for classical stage and contemporary composed music, curated by Jože Bogolin and Simon Klavžar. Andrea Centazzo, Mate Bekavac, Bruce Hamilton, Marko Hatlak, Valentine Collet, saxophone quartet 4 Saxess and percussion duo Drumartica are music performers who have performed as part of Metabonmaj since 2014. The cycle of concert events takes place exclusively in Klub Gromka, where classical composed music is rarely presented.
KUD Sestava organises events in Hostel Celica, which is a part of Metelkova autonomous social and cultural centre. They organise exhibitions, poetry readings, talks and the famous "Sozočja sveta" concert cycle. They have been organising events since 1997.
Lipart is an event agency that has been involved in the implementation of all types of events and the management and booking of music performers since 1979. They ensure that the event is suitable for domestic or foreign performers of various types. They work with renowned musicians, actors, moderators, artists ...
Planet dogodkov organizes concerts by domestic and foreign musicians.