
Slovenian jazz musicians in Brasilia & São Paulo

Drummer Gaj Bostič and saxophonist Lenart de Bock participated in a series of activities in Brasilia and São Paulo between May 20 and May 24. In Brasil, they joined the initiative from EUNIC Brazil alongside the Embassies of Slovenia, Austria, France, Portugal and Spain.

An express group of musicians who met for the first time for at the School of Music of Brasilia. Bostič and de Bock joined French Pianist Marco Poingt, Portuguese trumpet player Joao Moreira, Austrian violinist Rudi Berger, Spanish-Brazilian singer Mayara Dorado and Brazilian double Bass player Oswaldo Amorim.


Their rehearsals were open to the public at the School of Music in Brasil. The audience were students, half of them participants of a social project that teaches music to socially vulnerable teenagers. After the presentation, there was moment of interaction between musicians and students, who could ask technical questions as well as themes evolving around cultural differences.


The musicians joined a public diplomacy action at the Embassy called "Embassy's open door day", in which a group of students from a public school in a vulnerable area visits the Embassy. There was a presentation about Slovenia and its culture, economy, history, language, architecture, nature and more.


The European Jazz concert took place on the 22nd of May in the auditorium of the School of Music of Brasil to a full house audience. They played songs, ranging from their own compositions, well renowned jazz songs, popular and one Brazilian song.


They also joined actions with the School of Music of São Paulo. The duo gave a workshop to a group of students of jazz and popular music, including drums and saxophone students, but not only. They performed traditional Slovenian and Balkan songs as well as famous jazz, blues, and their own compositions. Next day similar workshop as from the previous day was conducted. However, this time to a larger audience of students in another branch of the School of Music of São Paulo in a socially vulnerable neighborhood. On the night of the same day took place the Slovenian Jazz Jam presentation to the Slovenian Community at the Slovenian house. Local Brazilian musicians joined in to play popular jazz and blues songs, in addition to Brazilian styles and traditional Slovenian songs.