
Music WorX Incubator

The programme that is aimed at early-stage start-up teams from all over Europe who have a business idea at the interface between music and tech.

Music WorX promotes innovative business ideas at the interface of music and tech. Music WorX is an ideal development space where you determine the pace and direction yourself. By the way: Your ideas belong to you. You do not transfer any company shares to us after Music WorX.

Music WorX is an early stage programme, i.e. you already have an idea, perhaps you have developed a first prototype, but you are not yet ready for the market - because that is exactly where we want to take you. So for three months, Music WorX is all about your product. An integral part of the programme is the so-called Product Field. This method helps you to get to the heart of your product, to harmonise the perspectives of everyone involved, to find the focus, to tell the right story around your idea and to make the right decisions.

They offer:

- Financial support

- Workshops, training and coaching

- Jury and Audience Awards

- Networking and visibility

You can find more information here.

The application deadline is 20th of June 2024. Apply here.